
🤔 Are you looking for some @Castopod :castopod: instances to follow on the Fediverse? :activitypub:

✋ Search no more!

👉 We searched the PodcastIndex :podcasting2: database and listed some podcasts that we found on :rss:

📝 Just copy the handles and interact directly with your favorite podcasts right here!

🐞 Please note there could be some glitches as this is still a work in progress.

Wir sind mit auf der Liste! Wir ❤️ Castopod als self-hosted Plattform.

@Castopod This is pretty awesome. Appreciate the work you are doing for the podcasters here within the fediverse.

@Castopod Hi, I meet an issue, and submitted to the Discord help channel, please help me! Thanks!

@Castopod Not this way. I'm totally blind and you forgot #AltText reporting podcast names with just an image. It's not the right way to go!

Hello @talksina !
We checked and we can't find images with no alternate text. Which ones are you talking about?

@Castopod The one in the post you shared and I replied to. But, may I take the chance to ask you an advice? I have Liberapay. And have a newsletter. I saw the token-based subscription model on castopod (well done!) how could I allow supporters to subscribe? No problem for the newsletter, I add the e-mails manually. But eventual,ly, I doubt Liberapay shares supporters email with administrator. Thanks.

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