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🔥 🚀🧩 Exciting times!

Castopod v2.0.0-next.1 is out, featuring a new Plugins Architecture!

This release kicks off an experimental phase for building plugins to extend Castopod and refining the architecture until a stable v2.
👉 Expect some breaking changes with the "next" tag!

Note that v1 remains supported with security and bug fixes as we focus on releasing v2.

Learn more about plugins:
Checkout release notes:

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🤔 Are you looking for some @Castopod :castopod: instances to follow on the Fediverse? :activitypub:

✋ Search no more!

👉 We searched the PodcastIndex :podcasting2: database and listed some podcasts that we found on :rss:

📝 Just copy the handles and interact directly with your favorite podcasts right here!

🐞 Please note there could be some glitches as this is still a work in progress.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@gglnx Es war meine erste #subscribe aber in meiner Wahrnehmung hat sich die freie Szene der #subscribe11 weiterhin geöffnet und dadurch neue Impulse gebracht. Viele Menschen insbesondere die Perspektiven von @marialorenzbokelberg und @benjaminbellamy von @Castopod haben meine „politische“ Sichtweise auf Podcasting erweitert. Ich weiß jetzt „besser“ meine Haltung in diesem Punkt zu vertreten.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@Castopod Thanks a lot for sharing! 🎉

In case you want English slides (as the talk is in German), I got you covered:

🇩🇪 Last weekend at in Berlin, @stdevel from the podcast @thinkpadmuseum gave an insightful talk on "How to start a (retro) podcast from scratch." 💾

He covered everything from affordable hosting solutions to open-source tools like @Castopod making it easy for anyone to create and manage their own podcast.

If you're interested in podcasting or retro tech, don't miss this video!
👉️ Full talk here:

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

I love that little shot of adrenaline you get the first time you submit a PR to an open source project and it's accepted. (Some minor doc fixes I did for @Castopod, the podcasting platform I use, were accepted this morning.)

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Das war aufregend. Now we are watching and listening to @benjaminbellamy dem Schöpfer von @Castopod der sich die beste Mühe gibt seinen Vortrag auf deutsch zu halten!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Eigentlich sollte mir das klar sein, aber die Macht von Silos noch mal so deutlich von @benjaminbellamy in seinem @Castopod Talk gezeigt zu bekommen ist schon sehr eindrucksvoll. #Subscribe11

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Da gerade aufgrund der #Subscribe11 #CastoPod in meine TL gespült wird, wurde ich an den von Zappa getätigten Vergleich von Podcasts mit Fallschirmen erinnert 👇

@Castopod @benjaminbellamy

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Connecting Public Interest Technology Disciplines
How can we build, maintain, and sustain tech that doesn't betray us if we give it away for free?

At Flint & Silicon, we're tackling the open source funding problem differently: What do we expect from technology as a society? How can we actively influence it instead of being influenced by it? What systems exist, and what systemic change do we need?

Follow me on our journey to explore how we can build sustainable technology that serves the public interest.
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Just discovered @Castopod through @cloudron. Going to set that up and move my podcasts there. Love that it's on the fediverse!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Studying and seriously considering @Castopod for and this proposal to offer hosting to free & community radios and "podkasts with k".

Typing this message in English just in case someone has ideas, suggestions, support, warnings... 😅

#castopod #podkasts

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Now's a good time to mention that there are tons of awesome open-source hosting systems:
• WriteFreely (@writefreely) for blogging
• Ghost (@ghost) for newsletters and blogging
• Castopod (@Castopod) for podcast hosting
• Discourse (@Discourse) for forums
and so many more

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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Joep Meindertsma - Atomic Data
One of the issues with today’s internet is that a lot of data is siloed. Consequently, users are locked into Big Tech ecosystems and its hard to reuse data. Joep Meinderstma talks about how his project Atomic Data, a modular specification for sharing, modifying and modeling data, addresses this problem.

🔊 Über die Subscribe 11
Die Subscribe ist mehr als nur eine Podcasting-Konferenz – sie ist ein Mix aus Konferenz, Workshops und Community-Treffen, bei dem Podcaster, Entwickler, Hörer und andere zusammenkommen, um die Zukunft des Podcastings aktiv zu gestalten.

Sei dabei und werde Teil der Podcast-Revolution! 💡🎧

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📅 20.10.2024
🕦 Talk: Free your Podcasts, Free your Audience
11:30–12:00 Uhr, Großer Saal
In diesem 30-minütigen Talk zeigen wir dir, wie Castopod es ermöglicht, Podcasts direkt im Fediverse zu veröffentlichen und die Podcast-Welt neu zu denken.

🛠️ Workshop: Hands-On mit Castopod
12:30–13:15 Uhr, Raum 6
Lerne in unserem Workshop, wie du deinen eigenen Castopod-Server einrichtest und dein Podcast im Fediverse veröffentlichst. Nimm die Kontrolle über deine Podcast-Reise in die eigene Hand!


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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers