Is anyone interested to help get @Castopod in a deb package?

I know a rockstar dev who could do it, or at least help, but I've already bombarded him with feature requests, and this is rather down in the priority list...


> Castopod was thought to be easy to install.

Ok, sounds good, lemme give it a try!

> 0. Create a MySQL database

Fuuuuuu! But how?!

Failed at step 0. 😢

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With a deb package, it could be as easy as:

sudo apt install castopod

And the beauty of the above linked Cryptoanarchy Deb Repo, is that it already has a bunch of the Bitcoin stack packaged...

sudo apt install btcpayserver lnd btc-rpc-explorer

Downloads dependencies, and configures:
- Bitcoin full node
- Lightning node
- Tor onion server
- Nginx
- Self hosted block explorer
- and a whole bunch more

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@maxhillebrand @Castopod Is be very interested in a dev package. I have also started to install it twice and failed. Maybe I can set up a bare Ubuntu VM and give @benjaminbellamy login credentials to it and he can install it for us. Then we know what the end result is supposed to look like.

@Castopod @dave @benjaminbellamy Wow, that would be very very amazing!

I've opened a feature request for it here, maybe that's a good place to continue a more nuanced conversation on how to get it done...

Though one of the things that got neglected so far in the CADR is that there is a very bare-bones developer documentation. It might be a struggle for you to figure out how it all works...

@maxhillebrand @Castopod @benjaminbellamy What should be the first step? Getting a working vanilla install?

Thanks Ben!

@dave @Castopod @benjaminbellamy It's probably a good idea to checkout how the packaging of other software was done in this repo.

Making sure that the basics of the security philosophy is understood and followed.

@dave @Castopod @benjaminbellamy afaik, there is no mySQL software packaged as of now, but postgres is used...

@dave @Castopod @benjaminbellamy This repo does have nextcloud packaged too, which is written in PHP as well.

It was a massive pain in the ass to get it packaged though, and there's still no proper tooling to make PHP apps more doable.

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