📢Introducing our brand NEW podcast series, the #NewsletterDigest, which aims to bring you closer to some of the work we do to shape a safer digital future, in just under 10 minutes. Have a listen here: https://europa.eu/!7n7r6c
@EDPS This is not a podcast... By definition podcasts use RSS 2.0 feeds, with media enclosure tag to publish episodes, you're not doing that at all.
@DiogoConstantino thank you for your comment. We are working on a new improved version for providing podcasts on our website with RSS 2.0. We will implement early next year. In the meantime, we couldn’t wait to launch our Newsletter digest, hopefully you will enjoy it!
@EDPS That's great! By the way while it's definitively possible to do this on a Drupal site like yours, there's also podcast hosting software, that besides doing the RSS, also integrates natively on the #fediverse and is Open Source Software (example: @Castopod).
The content is great, so you're near to perfection.
@EDPS @DiogoConstantino @tobiaalberti @luca Feel free to contact us if you need assistance.