
πŸŽ™ Attention Podcasters!

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- Built-in social network? Yes, please! πŸ‘€
- Ultra-fast delivery via CDN? Yes, please! πŸ‘€
- Bring your own domain? Yes, please! πŸ‘€
- Complete reversibility? Yes, please! πŸ‘€

With, elevate your Podcasting 2.0 journey while supporting open-source innovation ❀️

Launch your Castopod in just 5 minutes, starting at just 9.96€/month!

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@Castopod hello

hello i noticed that i can’t follow a castopod account from my pleroma instance.

@Castopod Is value 4 value active there via lightning network?

@Alby @Castopod

Yes, Castopod was one of the first enabling V4V payments for podcasters:

Alby helped Anita Posch to build a podcasting platform based on Castopod for podcasters from developing countries:

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