Today I showed @kdenlive to a friend who's a professional Premiere user (worked for years with video editing, teaches a video editing class at a university), and he was really impressed! Once he saw that there's a preset for Premiere keybindings, he was basically sold!

He's a Windows/Mac user. He had never heard of @kde . When I told him "this is the same project where @krita comes from" he was like "oh!! I know Krita!! Lots of people are using it pretty seriously in my field!!"

I would never have been able to start without OBS, @kdenlive and @Castopod

Kdenlive, OBS, Castopod and many more open source tools make our words free. We can write, record, edit, publish, reach new people, get our message across.

Because they’re accessible to the masses, they’re fundamental democracy enablers.

@hisham_hm @kde @krita

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