Who would be interested in accessing a Castopod demo instance for testing purposes?
🆕 The demo will feature the latest version of Castopod.
🦸 Everyone will have full admin access.
♻️ All data will be deleted and reset every night, so you don't have to worry about breaking anything or making mistakes.
This was done before, it was called Anchor. 😜
So we will disable RSS feeds to avoid creating a mess.
@Castopod Aaaaw, touché 😅
@Castopod I am officially on your hosting with podcast.beitmenotyou.online with my starting soon podcast I'll give it agop
@Castopod That would be a great help in order to test and onboard friends into Castopod
@Castopod Yeah, maybe. If I had access, I might find the time to do a quick check of its federation abilities.
@Castopod It'd be funny to subscribe to the podcasts hosted on that demo instance 😁