
Which Free and Open Source Software do you use and/or recommend for podcasting? (OS, DAW, planning, remote recording, transcription, plugins, player…)
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@Castopod in terms of players, landed on AntennaPod and happy since ever after.

In terms of recording... Well, Audacity do have it's issues and would not recommend IF there were any other decent options. OBS may be worth a shot (despite weird setup if you need audio-only podcast).

Been struggling a bit with PipeWire setting up headphones and various different microphones, but that may just be my lack of experience and time investment :|

OBS relies on old Qt versions and when you create issue tickets asking for a version bump they talk some weird stuff about paranoid package manager warnings and then close the tickets as wontfix. At least for me this was a big no-go.

@momo @Castopod and Audacity donhave some long--standing bugs and requires signed agreement to contribute ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Both aren't the ones to be recommended. But we have what we have.

@momo @Castopod one thing which is missing on Audacity, and OBS is suitable - simple maintenance of multiple microphones and splitting those into separate channels.

Audacity, on that matter, requires moxer OR some virtual mixer shananigans I could not yet wrap ky head around :/

Last time I wanted to do Multi Track recording with more than one source device, I gave up and used a DAW. I know what you mean.

@Castopod > OBS (despite weird setup if you need audio-only podcast)

How do you achive that @KasTasMykolas ?

@utopiarte @Castopod as I recall, selecting custom video codec options (or something like that) and adding -vn (or rather NULL video encoder). Which renders container with the recording with no video. Which is suitable for Audacity or whatver to be imported.

Will check the exact setting later, commuting at the moment :|

@Castopod thx for the hint @KasTasMykolas, based on your input I did a quick net search and found this:

To record only audio in OBS Studio, go to File -> Settings -> Output, make sure Advanced mode is selected. Open Recording tab and choose Custom Output (FFmpeg) in dropdown. Choose e.g. mp3 as container, disable Video encoder and edit the rest of settings to suit your needs.
This will save the output to .mp3 directly and you can use a separate profile for that in case you're also using OBS for normal video recording.…

@utopiarte @Castopod I believe there was no sinple way to disable the video with rather up to date OBS version anymore :/ But I may be just mistaken, while going a bit harder way :D

Thx @KasTasMykolas , for mentioning the recording audio only option in OBS in the first place, and @Castopod to ask the community the general question about software use for #podCast creation so this conversation and hint could come up.



KISS wrote:


ffmpeg code to create the Intro episode for the castopod tutorial channel @tutorArtectemplate: tutorartec_ffmpeg_exiftool_episode_00_season00
// file name
// -------------------- original ----------------------
Jerry Lewis iconic _Typewriter skit_ _ Who_s Minding the Store (1963) [HD].opus
// change audio file to mp3
ffmpeg -i jerryLewis_Typewriter.opus jerryLewis_Typewriter.mp3
// recut part of the original audio
// -ss defines where the audio starts
// -to defines the length of the audio
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:10.000 -i jerryLewis_Typewriter.mp3 -to 00:01:48.000 -c:v copy -c:a copy jerryLewis_Typewriter_cut_xy.mp3
// combine image and audio to mp3 with album cover front
ffmpeg -i jerryLewis_Typewriter_cut_xy.mp3 -i castopod_map_jerryLewis_Typewriter.png -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -c copy -id3v2_version 3 -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" jerryLewis_Typewriter_cut_xy_pic.mp3
(castopod doesn't integrate the the 1920x10080px image Album cover, it had to be uploaded again as 1400x1400px

Link to the episode not published yet of the not published podcast:…

Intro clip first 5 seconds

@jesuisatire @bitpickup @crossgolf_rebel @KasTasMykolas @Castopod

Can you recheck this embeeded file and it's origin @utopiarte. There is actually a different way of declaring audio files in the #activityPub protocol, as discused on the @helpers forum lately, and the way #castopod "declares" doesn't embed any image on #friendica (?), as visible on you post page on your server.

(just a tecnical recheck of how "cross posting" looks like on the platforms, as the origin of the posted file is inconclusive)
@jesuisatire @crossgolf_rebel @KasTasMykolas @Castopod

Looks first of all like a specific circunstance @bitpickup, what code is troet running?

The combination of two audio files might be problematic in general. Actually it's not possible over here to upload more than one video or audio and the replay of any of the two files displayed with timer might not work.


@utopiarte @Castopod

> landed on #AntennaPod and happy since ever after


"You know that you made it into the top ten of podcasts when your podcast shows up alongside prominent podcasts from all over the world like @gnulinux on the @AntennaPod screen telling people:
Don't Panik."


@Castopod I use as Daw for recording the beloved mostly on Windows (but available also on linux).
For podcasting, I use a website with WordPress and some freemium plugins together with a webradio running using on the server side (ubuntu) liquidsoap and Icecast 2.


I only use free and open source software for my #podcasts - Both in production and consumption.

StudioLink ( to record remote interviews.

Ardour ( is my DAW. It can do everything.

Castopod (on homeserver) is my hosting and distribution hub.

Antennapod on my phone is my client.

Free tools for a free format!

@Castopod I use @ultraschall for recording and production, Studio-Link for remote guests and whisper-cpp for transcription. Of course #Castopod for hosting and for planning I use a Kanban board in my @forgejo instance.

@Castopod We we're using a Discord call to record but we're having more and more issues recently. What are the free alternatives for a video call with 3 persons?

Audacity for edit
GPodder in Nextcloud for manage
AntennaPod and GNOME Podacasts for play

- Mumble / Jitsi for the comms during recording
- Sonobus if I need to work remotely DAW-to-DAW with someone on the same project.
- Reaper for DAW (it's not Open Source, but it's GOOD and free until you buy it)
- Transcribing using neural networks like Whisper and so on (using GUI wrappers)
- ReaPlugs as default plugins like noise gate, compressor, basic EQ, etc (free, not Open Source, but available for any DAW)
- AntennaPod for a player
- Not using Linux when recording music or a podcast, but use it in a lot if other cases

I use #Shotcut to produce the podcast. I prefer it over Audacity because it's a non-linear editor and easier to move cuts.
I like also how easy it is to level the audio!
#Antennapod is a winner for listenning the audio

@Castopod our weekly podcast was recorded and edited using Audacity until purchasing a Røde Caster Duo for recording. Still using Audacity for editing and final compression of all clips.

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