Castopod v1.0.0-alpha.20 is out!

It adds support for:
- podcast:id tag
- podcast:funding tag
- podcast:social tag
- podcast:previousUrl tag


Hi - I´m interessted in your project and tried an installation on a shared host server... but it did not work :-(

I get 403 error.
if i disable .htaccess I get onv /cp-install a 404 error
what could I try?


I don´t used a service - just my Webspace where I host also my Webpages at

@Nachbarschaft Castopod requires that the root directory for the hosting is set to its public/ folder. (Not all shared hosting allow that. For instance OVH does but Scaleways does not.)
So if you have other files on the same hosting it will probably not work.

@Nachbarschaft This is weird because Castopod .htaccess file contains no access restriction so the 403 does not come from it. Actually, Castopod should never send a 403.

@Nachbarschaft 403 may occur if you set root folder to app/ instead of public/ …


@Nachbarschaft You should not disable .htaccess.
If you disable it, nothing will work as all routes heavily rely on it.
If you want detailed error messages, just add:
to a .env file in Castopod root folder.
If you want me to assist you further, maybe we should switch to DM.

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