Castopod v1.0.0-alpha.20 is out!
It adds support for:
- podcast:id tag
- podcast:funding tag
- podcast:social tag
- podcast:previousUrl tag
Hi - I´m interessted in your project and tried an installation on a shared host server... but it did not work :-(
I get 403 error.
if i disable .htaccess I get onv /cp-install a 404 error
what could I try?
@Nachbarschaft Which hosting service did you try?
I don´t used a service - just my Webspace where I host also my Webpages at
@Nachbarschaft Castopod requires that the root directory for the hosting is set to its public/ folder. (Not all shared hosting allow that. For instance OVH does but Scaleways does not.)
So if you have other files on the same hosting it will probably not work.
that is how i did it
@Nachbarschaft This is weird because Castopod .htaccess file contains no access restriction so the 403 does not come from it. Actually, Castopod should never send a 403.
@Nachbarschaft 403 may occur if you set root folder to app/ instead of public/ …
if I disable .htaccess
i see this:
If.htaccess is activ i get 403
@Nachbarschaft Apache user needs read access on all files and read/write on public/media and writable/
If you want the setup procedure to create the .env configuration file for you then it also needs write access in the root folder (you can either create the .env file yourself or grant write access to apache user then revoke it once the installation is done).