
If your podcast is hosted on @Castopod your audience can listen to your episodes from @Mastodon but also like, share and comment them!

And thank to Podcastindex's cross-app comment tag, this could work from any Podcasting 2.0 app!

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@Castopod @Mastodon cool! Shame not more people I know, use castopod as a podcast solution… yet. I have the server, tho. Not a podcast idea yet…

@setuplet @Castopod @Mastodon maybe try and host it for them ? I have found the best way to transition people is to do it for them, handle all the scary things, and give them the key to their new home.

@Castopod @Mastodon we are now setting up a testing instance of castopod on our servers \o/

@Castopod @Mastodon Je dois dire que vous me faites de l'oeil depuis quelques temps, ça a l'air vraiment chouette.

Vous recommandez une application sur iOS qui est compatible avec toutes ces features (comme les commentaires) ?

J'aimerais tester tout ça en tant qu'auditeur avant de réfléchir à basculer en tant que podcasteur.

@Castopod @Mastodon any good starting point on hosting a podcast @ castopod? I'm hosting on Gitlab + Internet Archive by now

@Castopod @Mastodon it would be great if we could install it through CPanel, it would spread the word much quicker.

@Castopod is there a possibility to securely Import large Podcasts? I regularly fail due to timeouts

@Castopod @Mastodon

could we somehow use #ActivityPub to replace RSS for how we subscribe to podcasts and would that enable more awesomeness?

@wjmaggos @Castopod @Mastodon I'd rather not. As much as I love ActivityPub, this would mean you would have to subscribe to the podcast with your account, advertising what topics you are interested in through your following collection. This can be cool as an alternative way of subscribing (maybe some people want to share what they're listening to), but if it's used to _replace_ RSS, which allows for anonymous subscribing, then it would be quite a regression regarding privacy.

@kik @Castopod @Mastodon

I don't know the code but I'd like to be able to do more with podcasts. To have podcatchers that bring in more of a community aspect.

@wjmaggos @Castopod @Mastodon If I understand correctly, that's what Castopod does! supporting both ActivityPub and RSS, best of both world. :)

@kik @Castopod @Mastodon

so what we need are podcatchers that can take advantage of this format as well as RSS.

@wjmaggos @Castopod @Mastodon Indeed, if clients would properly take advantage of that, that would be awesome. It reminds me of what Google Reader did, allowing to share articles with our friends and like/comment them. It was not massively used, though, at least in my circle. But IIRC, it was added not long before GReader was googled, maybe it's just that users did not catch up.

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