Which Free and Open Source Software do you use and/or recommend for podcasting? (OS, DAW, planning, remote recording, transcription, plugins, player…)
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- Mumble / Jitsi for the comms during recording
- Sonobus if I need to work remotely DAW-to-DAW with someone on the same project.
- Reaper for DAW (it's not Open Source, but it's GOOD and free until you buy it)
- Transcribing using neural networks like Whisper and so on (using GUI wrappers)
- ReaPlugs as default plugins like noise gate, compressor, basic EQ, etc (free, not Open Source, but available for any DAW)
- AntennaPod for a player
- Not using Linux when recording music or a podcast, but use it in a lot if other cases


@skobkin Sonobus works great with Flatpak/JackAudio/PipeWire.

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