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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Just updated my @peertube server from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 in less that 5mn without a glitch! Congrats to @Chocobozzz @Framasoft and all contributors! 👍🎉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

J'ai été interviewé par @anthonyg dans son podcast “Des Ondes Vocast” afin que je lui parle de @Castopod , la solution #opensource d'hébergement et de mesure d'audience de #podcasts que nous développons.
Un résumé est disponible ici :

“Castopod: an hosting service”
Open-source, and roadmap…
This article is the translation of an interview conducted by @anthonyg in the podcast “Des Ondes Vocast”.

Do not hesitate to ask us for help if you have any question.

@derek @dave @martin That was not a bug, that was a feature… 😁
But I corrected it. 😉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Hey Martin, what's that?

Well, that's a 1 am (Danish time) new version of Podfriend!

So what's new?

Well, it supports the new Person tag!

Oh, that's amazing, how many podcasts uses that?

Well.... One.

( )

[ @benjaminbellamy ]

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Earning #bitcoin as a #podcast host? Podcasting 2.0 is enabling a decentralized, self-sustaining ecosystem for content creators. I show you how to set up your #RSS feed with @RaspiBlitz #LightningNetwork node and @sphinx_chat
@adam @dave @Castopod @419monk @brianoflondon @fribbledom #rC3

@dave @martin It is 00h01 here in Paris so we are yesterday's tomorrow: has <podcast:person> tag up&running.

@dave @martin Castopod implementation for <podcast:person> is finished!
Just need to review code before releasing it officially. (I may deploy it early to for testing purpose…)

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

New version of Podfriend out.

Now with support for <podcast:location>

Here's an example:

I plan to do a bit more with the location tag, like showing a preview of the map before you click. But I'm pretty happy with how it works on both mobile and desktop right now.

Hmmm... I use utf-8 everywhere.
Punicodes can be useful...

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers