🚨 Service Update 🚨

Our Castopod instances are currently experiencing instability. We’re aware of the issue and our team is working to restore full functionality as soon as possible. You may experience interruptions during this time.

We appreciate your patience and will share updates as we have them. Thanks for your understanding! 🙏

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

PrimoLudo est propulsé par Castopod (@Castopod ), installé via Yunohost.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

🚀 We published the first version of the FOSS Podcaster's Cheat Sheet.

🎚️ You'll find all the practical, useful, and essential tools to get started with podcasting!

Available now:
👉 castopod.org/cheatsheet 👈

Feel free to share your feedback and comments with us!

@aloxe Oh no: That's supposed to mean "Between 1400px by 1400px and 3000px by 3000px". Maybe not as clear as I thought…

Probably many more are missing: This is a FOSS sheet.
@auphonic is not.
AFAIK @ultraschall requires Reaper which is not.

@mikelgs One link is enough. We need room for the others.

🚀 We published the first version of the FOSS Podcaster's Cheat Sheet.

🎚️ You'll find all the practical, useful, and essential tools to get started with podcasting!

Available now:
👉 castopod.org/cheatsheet 👈

Feel free to share your feedback and comments with us!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted


Ça y est: Zoomacom propose une instance de @Castopod, auto-hébergée et pilotée depuis la Loire pour garder la main sur vos contenus, plutôt que de passer par les grandes plateformes américaines, leurs conditions générales d’utilisation à géométrie variable, leurs publicités invasives basées sur la captation des données personnelles, et pour certaines… leurs grands patrons aux accointances politiques suspectes…


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

I'm concerned that our lack of progress on cross-app comments is going to leave more developers to build on top of third-party-owned platforms, like Bluesky.

Besides the ownership and control of third-party platforms, Bluesky specifically is an extremely problematic platform.

Instead, we need cross-app comments to be portable, platform-agnostic, and give the moderation control to the podcaster, not the platform.

@iam So that's probably normal, Podcast Index dump gets updated every Saturday. I'll check.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Which Free and Open Source Software do you use and/or recommend for podcasting? (OS, DAW, planning, remote recording, transcription, plugins, player…)
👇 Give your answers here 👇

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers