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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Today on Podnews by @jamescridland, Podcasting 2.0 brings cross-platform comments and tips with comments to open podcasting! ✊💬💸

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Let's keep open podcasting open! ✊
“It's like that's what's going on in the podcast world. Everybody's so accustomed silos and walled gardens. And that's how you make money is by capturing part of the industry not by serving it, that they can't decide, they don't know how to think about it.” @dave in Podcasting 2.0

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Podcast cross-platform comments are now a real thing! ✊ 💬 🌎
@Castopod is already implementing them!
“But it seems like there was a lot of consensus for a reference implementation of #ActivityPub with the special Mastodon bit, so it would be compatible, a lot of this is based on a presentation that was given to us by @yassinedoghri@adam with @aric and @dave on Podcasting 2.0

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

This week in Podland.News: Ross Adams, Acast CEO, explains 5 reasons why we need RSS!

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Currently adding tables to support the alternateEnclosure tag!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

“I think there is a win for podcast apps if we can do Youtube style comments that work cross app.” @adam on Podcasting 2.0.
@Castopod already allows listeners to comment, like and share podcast episodes, cross app, thanks to ActivityPub!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

If you thought @Castopod was a « Cheval de Troie » to bring ActivityPub to Podcasting, you were fooled: its final purpose is to make le French the official language for Podcasting!
(Le evil laugh 😈 )

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

“If all the other podcast apps are better then why not just tell people to try out a different podcast app? It's very simple.” @dave on Podcasting 2.0

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

I will give a Webinar presentation at Podcast Movement 2021: “Podcastindex: How to unleash your value thanks to the Podcast Namespace” 🎙⛓✊💸 #PM21

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

The import process does not require your server to be available from outside so it's more likely an RSS tag issue. Can you share the RSS url you are trying to import?

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

This week in Podland, @jamescridland shared his dream about a “big” Podcasting 2.0 app:
“[…] I wish PocketCasts or someone like that, someone who is a big podcast app on both iOS and Android would actually focus a little bit more on integrating some of the new Podcasting 2.0 namespace tags […]”

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Does the world need a <Podcast:GUID> logo?
I have no idea but in case it does I made this one.

You like Castopod? You have a github account? Give us a star ⭐ at ! 🙏

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
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