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@rdelaage @Berta @earth @la_voix_est_libre
Nous allons mettre en place un annuaire de podcasts sous Castopod.
En attendant, pour trouver des podcasts Castopod on peut par exemple chercher "Powered by Castopod" dans un moteur de recherche.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Salut aux nouvelles·aux sur Mastodon,

Le Mastodon fait partie d'un ensemble plus grand, le Fediverse. Cela signifie qu'en plus de pouvoir interagir avec d'autre personnes sur d'autres Mastodon, vous pouvez interagir avec d'autres types de contenu, notamment :
- Vidéo avec @peertube
- Podcast avec @Castopod
- Blog avec
- Photo avec @pixelfed

#introduction #newhere #fediverse #mastodon

@podverse @adam @dave @sliekpodcast @merryoscar @AntennaPod
Hello @mitch


Castopod uses OPAWG to detect the podcast apps.

If you look on the repo you'll see there are two different ways: opawg/user-agents and opawg/podcast-rss-useragents.

We do both.

- The 1st one checks the user agent when the mp3 is dowloaded.
- The 2nd one checks the user agent when the RSS is downloaded, create a specific url for each MP3.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@StevenB @Magess @Castopod My eternal thanks. I already started digging around at, and that looks RIGHT up my alley.

@rwmpelstilzchen @Couka
As Castopod is self-hosted we cannot know. There are Castopod instances that we never heard of!
We will probably create a list where podcasters can voluntarily add their podcasts in the near future.
In the meantime you can search for "Powered by Castopod" on your favorite search engine. 😉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

I have just discovered Castopod and I am still amazed by the depth of the Fediverse and ActivityPub protocol.

It's a platform to host audio podcast. And like with Peertube, you can follow accounts on one instance of Castopod directly through Mastodon.

Mastodon: @Castopod

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@adamas bienvenu Anthony ! J’espère que tu trouveras plein de chouettes choses sur le fedivers... il y a des choses aussi coté podcasts, tu peux jeter un œil à @Castopod

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Wie wat bewaart trailer
In Amersfoort staat een depot tjokvol kunst en objecten – spullen die belangrijk zijn voor Nederland. Wie wat bewaart, heeft wat. Maar wat bewaar je? En waarom? In Wie Wat Bewaart trekt collectief Horens in samenwerking met de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed het depot in en licht elke aflevering een ander werk uit.

v1.0-beta.14 is here 🚀📦

🇪🇸 Castopod now supports Spanish!

Thanks to our awesome contributors:, GabiSnow, @rdelaage, LuuzViir.

¡Crea tu podcast 2.0 con Castopod! 👉

@lil5 @sliekpodcast Per US state analytics are in the database and on the map. But we have not drawn them on a pie chart. Yet.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Can you guess which language is coming to Castopod v1.0.0-beta.14?! 😉
(Muchas gracias a y GabiSnow, LuuzViir, @rdelaage)

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
The Anus Apples website issues are resolved, thanks to the hard work of everyone over at
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

We finally recorded SLIEK #20: Podcasting 2.0, Value4Value, Bitcoin today! Working on the chapters now. 🙌

This is our first new episode since we created a 2.0 feed with @Castopod & listed it on the Podcast Index.

Instead of redirecting our old feed in the legacy apps to the new one, we are posting this as the last episode on the 1.0 feed in hopes that our listeners on the old apps will switch to a 2.0 app.

So long Apple, Spotify, & Google! ✌️
@JakeHider @brandosellers #podcast

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers