Hey @pj@bitcoinhackers.org
It is compatible with PHP 8 and actually requires PHP to be >= 8.0
You may find the requirements in the docs: https://docs.castopod.org/getting-started/install.html#requirements
Check out the changelogs for update instructions: https://code.castopod.org/adaures/castopod/-/releases/v1.0.0-beta.15
Castopod 1.0.0-beta.15 is out! 🥳🚀
It comes with bug fixes and a highly requested feature: the ability to delete podcasts and episodes permanently, directly from the UI 🔥
(to be used with caution 👀)
Grab your Castopod on https://castopod.org/
@Frando is working on this as well.
KALDI/VOSK is usually a good starting point.
It gets tricky when you want:
- audio preprocessing
- post processing (speaker diarisation, de-duplicate, capitalization…)
- user interface for manual correction
- seamless integration with podcasting platforms
- easy to install (we probably need to provide a Docker image)
Pour tout comprendre en 5mn à la monétisation contextuelle des #podcasts, à @Castopod et Ad Aures, écoutez l'interview que j'ai donnée la semaine dernière à Olivier Louvet au Paris Radio Show !
How to Record a Podcast with Zrythm:
@zrythm is a new Open Source Digital Audio Workstation. I tested it to record a podcast episode with remote guests.
Here’s a highlight using @podverse from SLIEK #24: Chapter 3 - Breaking Records
Our monthly downloads and listening time keeps getting higher each month since switching to a 2.0 feed with @Castopod 🙌
We want to thank the SLIEK FREAKS and Freeloaders for all their support!
#NewPodcastApps #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #breakingrecords
Venez découvrir la Boîte à <Podcast:2.0> sur le stand 56 de @castopod et Ad Aures au Paris Radio Show les 2 et 3 juin 2022 à partir de 09h00.
Nous vous avons préparé plein de surprises ! 🤫 🍬 🎁
Billets gratuits 👉 https://connectonair.com/inscription-radioshow22 🎟️
Hébergez tous vos podcasts sur https://castopod.com/ , la première solution open-source dédiée aux “Podcasts 2.0”.
👉 Pour plus d'informations, retrouvez-nous au Paris Radio Show à la Seine Musicale, stand 56, les 2 et 3 Juin 2022 et sur https://castopod.com/
When I talk about Podcasting 2.0, I usually say that there are already around 30 services and apps which already joined the movement. I am so wrong. 🤦
There are 58 of them! 🚀🚀🚀
Fifty. Eight.
👉️ Get yours now: https://podcastindex.org/apps
Ad Aures et @Castopod seront présents au Paris Radio Show ces jeudi 2 et vendredi 3 juin 2022 ! 📻️ 🎙️
N'hésitez pas à passer nous voir sur le stand 5️⃣6️⃣ !
Nous répondrons à toutes vos questions. 💬
Venez voir et entendre « La Boîte à <Podcast:2.0> » ! 📦️
Venez nombreux, l’inscription au Paris Radio Show est gratuite !
Question by @humanetech at “Building a European Cultural Backbone” was the perfect time to show gratitude to @adam & @dave & everyone here! 🙏
https://media.ccc.de/v/ecb2022-48913-activitypub#t=2530 (42mn10s)
📺️ The video from my talk about #ActivityPub at the “Building a European Cultural Backbone” 🇪🇺 convention is now available online!
Thank you Franz Heinzmann, Ingo Leindecker, Cultural Broadcasting Archive, Radio FRO & arso for trusting us. 🙏
Thank you @andi @CCC for taking care of the streaming. 🙏
Thank you @NGIZero for supporting us. 🙏
Thank you “Podcasting 2.0” @adam @dave for spreading the cross-platform word. 🙏
👉️ https://blog.castopod.org/building-a-european-cultural-backbone-activitypub/
“Challenging Workflows: A F/LOSS Approach”
Presentation and discussion on designing a workshop to encourage cultural practitioners, individuals as well as organizations, to build a F/LOSS-first & anti-GAFAM workflow by Davide Bevilacqua & Onur Olgaç
Really interesting presentation and discussion of European Broadcasting Union's open toolbox EuroVOX for transcription and translation by Ben Poor at the “Building a European Cultural Backbone” convention. https://cba.fro.at/building-a-european-cultural-backbone
Franz Heinzmann is presenting “Open Audio Search” at the the “Building a European Cultural Backbone” convention.
Someone (not us) created a Castopod page on French Wikipedia! 😍 😍 😍
(Merci @rdelaage 🙏 )
Castopod is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience on the Fediverse .
Castopod is “Podcasting 2.0” certified.