@yop @dimregnier
Ce n'est pas prévu dans un avenir proche. (Castopod lit et écrit les tags ID3 des fichiers mp3, il est prévu qu'il les ré-encode à la demande, etc.)
“Web Monetization for Podcasting” by Melissa Srbinovich
👉️ https://community.interledger.org/msrbinovich/web-monetization-for-podcasting-26f7
“Installing Castopod on Shared Hosting”
By @ucffool
This week in @Podnews Weekly Review, @james and @samsethi talk about transcription for podcasts using Whisper.CPP.
Get a podcast app that supports transcripts here:
👉 https://podnews.net/article/new-podcast-apps#transcript
Podcasting 2.0 : it's all about Interoperability 🎙️ ✊
This presentation of Podcasting 2.0 was given in Brussels, Belgium, at #fosdem 2023. 🇧🇪
Full video with links: 👉 https://blog.castopod.org/podcasting-2-0-its-all-about-interoperability/
Si vous souhaitez initier vos enfants aux podcasts, rendez-vous aux @jdll 2023 ! 🥳
« Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous acceptons votre proposition "J'enregistre mon premier Podcast" pour l'évènement "Journées du Logiciel Libre 2023". »
« Comment diffuser ses podcasts tout en gardant un contrôle sur ses contenus ? » 🇧🇪
« Ce lundi, Denis (@tacticasbl) vous propose de découvrir @castopod, un logiciel qui s’adresse aux producteurices de créations sonores. C’est une solution d’hébergement pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent défendre les écosystèmes ouverts et dépendre le moins possible d’acteurs intermédiaires. »
My talk about Podcasting 2.0 and Interoperability at @fosdem 2023 is available! 📹
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet ✊)
#fosdem #podcasting #interoperability
👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability #fosdem https://podlibre.video/videos/watch/43db1c8e-ea16-4e40-ae5d-add16c36144e
“What influences your content?”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
“This is not a wish list. This exists. This works. This has been implemented and it's working now. It's working now in many applications, platforms and services.”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
My talk at #FOSDEM:
The Importance of Collaborative Applications for European Digital Sovereignty #digitalsovereignty #privacy #opensource
“What is a #podcast?!”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
@benjaminbellamy That's cool! I suppose that some crowds just get around to build upon this standard faster than others. Castopod is super good! @Castopod
@benjaminbellamy @fosdem @Castopod
Il faudra voir le replay les amis car c’était juste FANTASTIQUE de découvrir (en amphi au #FOSDEM2023) le gap 2005 - 2020 comblé par Podcast 2.0.
🙏🏼 et 👏🏻
Castopod is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience on the Fediverse .
Castopod is “Podcasting 2.0” certified.