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Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que @Castopod sera au Paris Radio Show ! 📻✨

🗓️ Les 6 et 7 février
📍 À La Bellevilloise, Paris 20ème

L'occasion idéale pour :
🎤 Discuter de tout ce qui concerne les podcasts : hébergement, mesures d'audience, monétisation…
🎁 Chiper des autocollants ;-)
🤗 Tout simplement venir nous dire Bonjour !

🎟️ Allez sur pour réserver votre entrée gratuite et prendre un rendez-vous avec nous.

Nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer ! ✨

Castopod v1.8 is out! 🚀

And we have @ewen to thank for his first contributions! 🙏

👉 You can now hide your email from the podcast RSS feed
+ the admin navigation now clearly shows unauthorized routes for better UX.

And many more bug fixes!

Grab your Castopod for free on

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Poddar har växt fram som en central kanal för vänstern i Sverige. Men det finns flera problem i sammanhanget. De flesta poddarna existerar bara en kort tid eller så har de en mycket intermittent takt i produktionen av nya avsnitt. De är också beroende av kommersiella företag för distributionen.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

🚀 New blog post!

🎉 Castopod Index offers a straightforward and efficient way to discover and engage with a wide range of podcasts powered by Castopod :castopod: and listed on PodcastIndex. :podcasting2:

♥️ We hope you enjoy it.
👂️ We value your comments so feel free to share your thoughts here!


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

🤔 Are you looking for some @Castopod :castopod: instances to follow on the Fediverse? :activitypub:

✋ Search no more!

👉 We searched the PodcastIndex :podcasting2: database and listed some podcasts that we found on :rss:

📝 Just copy the handles and interact directly with your favorite podcasts right here!

🐞 Please note there could be some glitches as this is still a work in progress.

🚀 New blog post!

🎉 Castopod Index offers a straightforward and efficient way to discover and engage with a wide range of podcasts powered by Castopod :castopod: and listed on PodcastIndex. :podcasting2:

♥️ We hope you enjoy it.
👂️ We value your comments so feel free to share your thoughts here!


🤔 Are you looking for some @Castopod :castopod: instances to follow on the Fediverse? :activitypub:

✋ Search no more!

👉 We searched the PodcastIndex :podcasting2: database and listed some podcasts that we found on :rss:

📝 Just copy the handles and interact directly with your favorite podcasts right here!

🐞 Please note there could be some glitches as this is still a work in progress.

Thank you 😊

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

The more I look at the podcasting data industry-wide, the more I think federated podcasts need to become a thing.
cc: @funkwhale @Castopod

@globcoco The actual quota is 5Gb. So that's ~around~ 50 episodes of 1h. That would be equivalent to 33 episodes of 1h30.
Also note that depending on the audio quality, you could easily fit 100h on more in 5Gb.

🎉 🌟 As we are about to step into a new year full of possibilities, we want to thank each of you for your incredible support and passion. Let's continue to grow, innovate, and share amazing stories in 2024. Here's to a year of success, creativity, and community! 🚀💫

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Eine weitere Folge von „zusammen mehr Elefant“ erscheint heute zum zweiten Weihnachtsfeiertag. Sicherlich sehnt ihr euch schon nach etwas Wissen. Die Weihnachtselfen haben euch jedenfalls eine magische Folge zusammen gepackt. Danke an unsere Zuhörerschaft, wir hören uns spätestens am 9.1. wieder. Teilt es euch also gut ein 🙂🎄💫 @zusammen_mehr_elefant

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers