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Le Podcasthon est le premier événement caritatif qui rassemblent des centaines de créatrices et créateurs de podcasts.

C'est une opération événementielle sans but lucratif qui ne prend aucune commission : l'intégralité des dons est versée en direct aux associations caritatives. 💸

On compte sur vous ! 🫶
🧵 [2/2]

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Castopod est fier d’être partenaire de la 2ᵉᵐᵉ édition du qui aura lieu du 25 au 31 mars 2024. 💖

Pour participer il suffit de créer un épisode spécial dédié à une grande cause ou une association qui vous tient à cœur !

👉️ Rejoignez dès maintenant le Podcasthon et faites partie de cet événement exceptionnel qui célèbre l'impact positif des Podcasts :
🧵 [1/2]

👑 📚️ 🇧🇪 The Royal Library of Belgium has two new podcasts:
👉️ in French:
👉️ in Dutch:

🚵 There is a new podcast about Biking in the Austin Mountain:
Austin Mountain Biking Podcast
👉️ @brooks

🌟 There is a new podcast talking about about open source, cybersecurity, and other IT-related issues.
The first one from Lithuania! 🇱🇹

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Producers, investors, app builders, hosting parties, hosts, listeners, everybody: spread the word of Podcasting 2.0 among your professional peers. Boost this meeting of the board #168 with @adam, @dave and guest @benjaminbellamy .

With this handy, ready to go post on LinkedIn you can get the attention of more people that might be interested:

Like and share to have the post popup on other people's time line and mention people to poke them in the side.


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Today (Feb 23rd) at 7h30PM in Paris / 12h30PM in Texas and Alabama I'll be live with @adam and @dave to talk about Podasting 2.0! 🥳
Live stream: 👇️

@burgervege Note: Castopod est de nationalité française. Il existe en deux parfums:
- auto-hébergé sur
- en offre commerciale sur

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

This Friday (March 23rd) I'll be talking about Podcasting 2.0 with @adam and @dave… Get ready for the French jokes! 😬 Check out the release notes for more info:

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Castopod v1.10 is here! 🚀📦

🎙️ support for podcast:medium, podcast:season & podcast:episode tags
📜 support for VTT transcript format in addition to SRT
🔖 display of chapters in the episode page

All of this, brought to you by the awesome work of Guy Martin ( 🙌🙏

Get your Castopod for free on

🚀 It's Monday and there are new episodes from
🌟 More podcasts to discover on !

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🚀 It's Monday and there are new episodes from

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🚀 It's Monday and there are new episodes from

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Youtube decides who can be monetized and who should be banned. Youtube even believes it can decide which words can be tolerated. Quite the opposite of podcasts where everyone is free, free to choose their host and listening platform.
Podcasting, with a capital P, is the exact opposite of what Youtube offers.
Let's not be fooled.
Let's not let Youtube standardize Podcasting like it standardized video.

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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Youtube made the deliberate choice to be a "black hole" by sucking in content created elsewhere and letting nothing come out.
Youtube created a closed silo that literally vampirizes the podcasting ecosystem which is fighting to remain open and interoperable.
Youtube locks up. Youtube decides who is seen and heard. Youtube does not create ANY content but decides for us what can be said.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers