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@linuxoid Not at all: just because no one asked for it.
If you feel like translating Castopod in Russian you are more than welcome!

How many podcasts come with transcript, for every language?
(now with 🇪🇸 🇵🇹)

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Du liebst Podcasts 🎙️ und die deutsche Sprache? 🇩🇪
Helfen Sie uns, unsere Open-Source-Podcast-Lösung zu übersetzen, um sie allen zugänglich zu machen!

Apakah Anda menyukai podcast ️🎙️ dan bahasa Indonesia? 🇮🇩
Bantu kami menerjemahkan solusi podcast sumber terbuka kami agar tersedia untuk semua orang! ️🌍️

Αγαπάτε τόσο τα podcast 🎙️ όσο και την ελληνική γλώσσα; 🇬🇷
Βοηθήστε μας να μεταφράσουμε τη λύση podcast ανοιχτού κώδικα για να την κάνουμε διαθέσιμη σε όλους! 🌍️

Älskar du både poddar 🎙️ och det svenska språket? 🇸🇪
Hjälp oss att översätta vår podcastlösning med öppen källkod för att göra den tillgänglig för alla! 🌍️

Ben je dol op zowel podcasts 🎙️ als de nederlandse taal? 🇳🇱
Help ons onze open-source podcast-oplossing te vertalen zodat deze voor iedereen beschikbaar is! ️🌍️

Você ama os dois podcasts 🎙️ e a língua portuguesa? 🇵🇹
Ajude-nos a traduzir nossa solução de podcast de código aberto para torná-la disponível para todos! 🌍️

¿Te encantan los podcasts 🎙️ y el idioma español? 🇪🇸
¡Ayúdenos a traducir nuestra solución de podcast de código abierto para que esté disponible para todos! 🌍️

Ami entrambi i podcast 🎙️ e la lingua italiana? 🇮🇹
Aiutaci a tradurre la nostra soluzione di podcast open source per renderla disponibile a tutti!

PS: If you can't see your language, let us know and we'll add it! 🙂

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We've setup a Crowdin project to help translate Castopod!
Since the beta release, it is one of the most requested tools as a lot of you are eager to make Castopod international. 🌍
As of now, Castopod is fully translated into 🇬🇧 English, 🇫🇷 French and 🇵🇱 Polish.
And with your help, we hope to see it acquire more and more languages with time. 🚀
If you'd like to contribute to the next generation of free & open-source podcast hosting, go to

I totally forgot this.
This was dropped at some point, but it will definitely be back at some point.

Hello @JoergSorge !
- Not sure what you are referring to…
Do you mind sharing a screenshot?
- What Do you mean by a “Castopod Podcast Index”?

@Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s We chose Discord because this is where developers are, but that was not an easy choice.
It could change in the future.
We also considered Discourse or Rocket Chat (which we already use for internal purpose) and nothing is off the table.
We value all feedback so please feel free to give us your opinion.

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers