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« Comment diffuser ses podcasts tout en gardant un contrôle sur ses contenus ? » 🇧🇪
« Ce lundi, Denis (@tacticasbl) vous propose de découvrir @castopod, un logiciel qui s’adresse aux producteurices de créations sonores. C’est une solution d’hébergement pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent défendre les écosystèmes ouverts et dépendre le moins possible d’acteurs intermédiaires. »

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

My talk about Podcasting 2.0 and Interoperability at @fosdem 2023 is available! 📹
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet ✊)
#fosdem #podcasting #interoperability

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

“What influences your content?”

From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

“This is not a wish list. This exists. This works. This has been implemented and it's working now. It's working now in many applications, platforms and services.”

From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

“What is a #podcast?!”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@benjaminbellamy That's cool! I suppose that some crowds just get around to build upon this standard faster than others. Castopod is super good! @Castopod

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@benjaminbellamy @fosdem @Castopod

Il faudra voir le replay les amis car c’était juste FANTASTIQUE de découvrir (en amphi au #FOSDEM2023) le gap 2005 - 2020 comblé par Podcast 2.0.

🙏🏼 et 👏🏻

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

I'm in Brussels attending @fosdem this week-end to talk about Podcasts 2.0 and @Castopod!
Let's meet this sunday at 1pm, auditorium Janson.
“Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability (How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)” #fosdem #podcasts

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
@ParlonsLinuxFR Great to hear that @Castopod is working well for you. It's pretty young software!

I haven't visited a Castopod page before, it looks great and has exactly the stuff one expects to find on a podcast page.
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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

🎙 A new home for the Irish Left Archive Podcast!

Hopefully the transition will be relatively seamless, but please let us know if you have any issues.

You can now get updates by following the podcast on the Fediverse

Thanks to for their work on free software podcast hosting.

#IrishLeftArchive #IrishLeftArchivePodcast #Podcast #Castopod #FreeSoftware

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Je suis ce week-end au @fosdem à Bruxelles pour parler de Podcasts 2.0 et de @Castopod !
Rendez-vous dimanche à 13h00 dans l'auditorium Janson.
“Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability (How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)” #fosdem #podcasts

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Castopod will be at @fosdem 2023 in Brussels 🇧🇪 on February 5th:
“Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)”

@thelinuxEXP @js That is weird. Can you check your database? (In the cp_analytics_podcasts table for instance)
Chances are that there is an error somewhere… 😕 (Analytics errors don't prevent downloading)

@thelinuxEXP You can also enable OP3 then ask @js to give you access to OP3 analytics for your podcast.

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