This week in Podland, @jamescridland shared his dream about a “big” Podcasting 2.0 app:
“[…] I wish PocketCasts or someone like that, someone who is a big podcast app on both iOS and Android would actually focus a little bit more on integrating some of the new Podcasting 2.0 namespace tags […]”
Castopod 1.0.0-alpha.61 is out! 🚀
(Minor release)
You like Castopod? You have a github account? Give us a star ⭐ at ! 🙏
Castopod alpha-60 now supports the <podcast:guid> tag! 🌷
We have a Castopod instance!
This week in “Podcasting 2.0” @adam and @dave talk about RSS and the future of podcasting: “Apple is getting out of the RSS podcasting game. […] Spotify is moving out of the game.” #interoperability
@dave @agates @SirSpencer
If you want to self host at home, Eric Gaspar already implemented @Castopod on @yunohost : I tested it and it works perfectly. Castopod running on a Raspberry Pi! 👌
Castopod v1.0.0-alpha.59 is out!
(Minor update 🛠)
Castopod Host alpha 58 is out! 🚀
⚡ Upgrade code base to PHP 8
🛠️ Better code quality
(setup and enforcement of quality tools for php and js)
🐛 Bug fixes
🏎️ performance improvements
Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! ☀️
Les podcasts deviennent de plus en plus répandus et accessibles et ils constituent d'excellents moyens pour s'exprimer sur divers sujets de société, c'est pourquoi on a le plaisir de vous proposer un nouveau service de Picasoft : 😊
Does anyone know a good @Castopod instance?
#fediverse #ask #askfedi #askfediverse #CastoPod #foss #decentralization #instances #instance #instancequestion
Des Ondes VOcast (June 3rd, 2021): Open and closed podcasting ecosystems
Des Ondes VOcast (3 juin 2021) : Écosystèmes ouverts et fermés du podcasting
Castopod is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience on the Fediverse .
Castopod is “Podcasting 2.0” certified.