Ce soir, à 21h, on se retrouve avec @PofMagicfingers @benjaminbellamy et @vodiofr pour parler hébergement et diffusion de vos podcasts !
Rendez-vous sur https://www.twitch.tv/badgeek/
Use Mumble to record a #podcast with guests
“Mumble allows you to record all speakers and guests separately, one audio file per person.”
👉️ https://blog.castopod.org/use-mumble-to-record-a-podcast-with-guests/
One cool thing about Nostr: your identity does not rely on a specific server as it does on Mastodon/ActivityPub, but only on your private key.
So you could go on any server (a Castopod instance for example), and there like, share or comment any content, using the local Nostr relay, without having to go back and forth to your home server as you have to do on Mastodon.
With Nostr, home is everywhere.
“Web Monetization for Podcasting” by Melissa Srbinovich
👉️ https://community.interledger.org/msrbinovich/web-monetization-for-podcasting-26f7
“Installing Castopod on Shared Hosting”
By @ucffool
This week in @Podnews Weekly Review, @james and @samsethi talk about transcription for podcasts using Whisper.CPP.
Get a podcast app that supports transcripts here:
👉 https://podnews.net/article/new-podcast-apps#transcript
Podcasting 2.0 : it's all about Interoperability 🎙️ ✊
This presentation of Podcasting 2.0 was given in Brussels, Belgium, at #fosdem 2023. 🇧🇪
Full video with links: 👉 https://blog.castopod.org/podcasting-2-0-its-all-about-interoperability/
Si vous souhaitez initier vos enfants aux podcasts, rendez-vous aux @jdll 2023 ! 🥳
« Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous acceptons votre proposition "J'enregistre mon premier Podcast" pour l'évènement "Journées du Logiciel Libre 2023". »
« Comment diffuser ses podcasts tout en gardant un contrôle sur ses contenus ? » 🇧🇪
« Ce lundi, Denis (@tacticasbl) vous propose de découvrir @castopod, un logiciel qui s’adresse aux producteurices de créations sonores. C’est une solution d’hébergement pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent défendre les écosystèmes ouverts et dépendre le moins possible d’acteurs intermédiaires. »
My talk about Podcasting 2.0 and Interoperability at @fosdem 2023 is available! 📹
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet ✊)
#fosdem #podcasting #interoperability
👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability #fosdem https://podlibre.video/videos/watch/43db1c8e-ea16-4e40-ae5d-add16c36144e
“What influences your content?”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
“This is not a wish list. This exists. This works. This has been implemented and it's working now. It's working now in many applications, platforms and services.”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
My talk at #FOSDEM:
The Importance of Collaborative Applications for European Digital Sovereignty #digitalsovereignty #privacy #opensource
“What is a #podcast?!”
From “Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability” #fosdem
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet)
Full video here: 👉️ https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20/
Castopod is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience on the Fediverse .
Castopod is “Podcasting 2.0” certified.