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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Do you know @adam? Video-Jockey on MTV in the 80s, pioneer of the podcast in the 2000s, he launched the “Podcasting 2.0” movement in the summer of 2020 with @dave. To find out what this is about and understand everything about this revolution, read this interview!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Connaissez-vous @adam ? Video-Jockey sur MTV dans les années 80, pionnier du podcast dans les années 2000, il a lancé le mouvement “Podcasting 2.0” à l'été 2020 avec @dave. Pour en savoir plus et tout comprendre sur cette véritable révolution, lisez son interview dans le numéro 2 de Podcast Magazine qui vient de paraître !

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

L'atelier hébergement et diffusion est désormais en ligne. N'hésitez pas à aller le regarder. Nous restons disponibles si vous avez des questions.

Un grand merci à @@podCloud
@Castopod et @vodiofr pour leur présence.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Le n°2 de Podcast Magazine est disponible !
Retrouvez-y mon interview de @adam & @dave, ils vous expliquent tout sur le podcast, de ses origines à la révolution “Podcasting 2.0”.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Ce soir, à 21h, on se retrouve avec @PofMagicfingers @benjaminbellamy et @vodiofr pour parler hébergement et diffusion de vos podcasts !

Rendez-vous sur

Use Mumble to record a with guests
“Mumble allows you to record all speakers and guests separately, one audio file per person.”

One cool thing about Nostr: your identity does not rely on a specific server as it does on Mastodon/ActivityPub, but only on your private key.
So you could go on any server (a Castopod instance for example), and there like, share or comment any content, using the local Nostr relay, without having to go back and forth to your home server as you have to do on Mastodon.
With Nostr, home is everywhere.

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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Should Castopod implement the Nostr protocol?

Should Castopod implement the Nostr protocol?

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Looking for feedback from people in the #podcasting space. For many reasons, I've become unsatisfied with my current host (#Anchor) and want to start exploring moving to another platform. One that I was considering moving to is #selfhosting Castopod.

Was wondering the following:

1. what are the biggest pitfalls to watch out for when moving hosts and trying to insure as few disruptions as possible with your subscribers?

2. what are the analytic features like on #Castopod?

3. Outside of Castopod what #selfhosted solutions do you trust the most and why?

Tagging a few people to expand the reach of the post since I've seen them in discussions on this topic in the past.

@Castopod @benjaminbellamy
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

This week in @Podnews Weekly Review, @james and @samsethi talk about transcription for podcasts using Whisper.CPP.
Get a podcast app that supports transcripts here:

Podcasting 2.0 :podcasting2: : it's all about Interoperability 🎙️ ✊ :oss:
This presentation of Podcasting 2.0 was given in Brussels, Belgium, at 2023. 🇧🇪
Full video with links: 👉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Si vous souhaitez initier vos enfants aux podcasts, rendez-vous aux @jdll 2023 ! 🥳
« Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous acceptons votre proposition "J'enregistre mon premier Podcast" pour l'évènement "Journées du Logiciel Libre 2023". »

« Comment diffuser ses podcasts tout en gardant un contrôle sur ses contenus ? » 🇧🇪
« Ce lundi, Denis (@tacticasbl) vous propose de découvrir @castopod, un logiciel qui s’adresse aux producteurices de créations sonores. C’est une solution d’hébergement pour celles et ceux qui souhaitent défendre les écosystèmes ouverts et dépendre le moins possible d’acteurs intermédiaires. »

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

My talk about Podcasting 2.0 and Interoperability at @fosdem 2023 is available! 📹
(How Podcasting 2.0 will save the Open Internet ✊)
#fosdem #podcasting #interoperability

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers