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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@DrTCombs The neat thing is that any website that let's you upload audio files and creates an rss feed will do. Including Mastodon or WordPress. But there are also specific podcasting services, like podcast plugins for WordPress, or @Castopod.

And as someone else mentioned, Audacity works fine for editing, and is free both as in beer and as in freedom :)

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

PodcastData has just updated! ♻️
Now counting 4,205,339 podcasts and 98,121,919 episodes thanks to PodcastIndex. Still available for free. For every month. Since the year 2000! 📈 #opendata #opensource #rawgraphs

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Und bei BundesCast auf Basis von @Castopod gibt es auch was neues: eine eingebaute Link-Übersicht:

Castopod v1.5 is out 🚀📦

You can now share a podcast links page for your listeners!

👉 Just add "/links" to your podcast page url to see it

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@grincheux @hastur @doktorzjivago non je ne connaissais pas. C'est intéressant mais ça reste une bidouille, tu n'auras pas de moyen d'ajouter toutes les balises nécessaires pour être dispo sur les plateformes je pense.

Mais pour faire du podcast en étant compatible fediverse etc, je conseillerai plutôt @Castopod

Gratuit et open source, facilement installable etc et directement compatible mastodon !

Par exemple :

“To maximize the benefits of podcasting for both creators and listeners, transcription has emerged as a game-changer.”

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Castopod has a Wikipedia page in French and Russian.
Feel free to translate it in your own language!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted


I'm not sure what might be the solution for this but I'd be remiss to not mention that @Castopod's doing some great work in the Podcast realm.

Beyond the (obvious/unfortunate) advertising push places like Apple are doing to associate podcasts with platforms like theirs, there is – for the average person, I think – less cognitive overload to think of podcasts as something you get from somewhere.

Alt. sources, such as Castopod, may may keep that easy association w/o curtailing freedom?

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Ca y est, @jplus7 est à jour, version 1.4.5 de @Castopod !

Si vous voulez nous suivre, partager, commenter, faver un épisode dans le fédiverse, c'est possible dès le site du podcast !

Preneur de vos retours si vous avez des difficultés !

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

PodcastData has just updated! ♻️
Now counting 4,116,719 podcasts and 96,544,798 episodes thanks to PodcastIndex. Still available for free. For every month. Since the year 2000! 📈 #opendata #opensource #rawgraphs

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

A friend of mine is trying out podcasting. I was able to help out by setting up a little #castopod instance to host and share and learn more about and podcasting! Here is the first episode from his podcast.


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

For the impatient, here is the talk I gave at the “Pas Sage en Seine” festival (2mn summary).
If you want the 42mn full version, it is freely available (with English and French subtitles) here:

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Castopod v1.4.0 is out 🚀📦

📥 Podcast imports got a whole lot easier, they now run in the background!
🔎 Rest API: you can now list and search for episodes.

+ a few bugs fixes!

Grab the new package on

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers