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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@Castopod @yunohost Et avec Yunohost, tout était en place en dix minutes. Parfait !

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@Castopod @yunohost Je viens de tester la création d'un podcast et puis l'abonnement en RSS depuis un client mobile... C'est top! Facile, fonctionnel, complet! Bravo. Je vais voir si ça botte mon amie de passer de Soundcloud à là pour continuer d'explorer mieux encore mais en tout cas c'est prometteur ! Bravo :)

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

In order to enable seamless interactions between @hypercatcher and @Castopod , I wrote a draft for the podcast:chapters API Specification.

All comments are welcome.

We hope this will open a path to more collaborations between platforms which use the PodcastIndex namespace.

Thank you David for your support. 🙏

Poke @adam @dave @jamescridland

@adam @benjaminbellamy we can arrange that... 😉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

New release: Castopod widget allows you to embed any episode on any website, whether it is you Wordpress blog or someone else's page.

are made by people. Thanks to you can communicate about the persons who make your podcasts alive!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

No it is not.
(It is if you change the source code… 😁 )
Why do you need this?

@kevinb66 There should not be any lag: RSS is published right away.
Cache expiration is set to decade… It is cleared whenever a data is updated.
Check the episode publication date and time: If it is set in the future, the episode will be published at expiration time.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 @uglyhack & @uglyhack - Videos about building electronics projects

🌟 @zughy - Pixel artist and creator of MineTest mods

🌟 @geotechdigital & @geotechland - Video blog about FOSS, community projects, Linux etc

🌟 @Castopod - Free open source podcasting platform

🌟 @Jonathan & @JonathanMBR - Kenyan teacher trying to help educate disadvantaged children

🌟 @peertube - Free open federated video sharing network, part of the Fediverse

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