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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

New release: Castopod widget allows you to embed any episode on any website, whether it is you Wordpress blog or someone else's page.

are made by people. Thanks to you can communicate about the persons who make your podcasts alive!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

#FollowFriday / #FF recap of this week's recommended follows:

🌟 @uglyhack & @uglyhack - Videos about building electronics projects

🌟 @zughy - Pixel artist and creator of MineTest mods

🌟 @geotechdigital & @geotechland - Video blog about FOSS, community projects, Linux etc

🌟 @Castopod - Free open source podcasting platform

🌟 @Jonathan & @JonathanMBR - Kenyan teacher trying to help educate disadvantaged children

🌟 @peertube - Free open federated video sharing network, part of the Fediverse

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Just updated my @peertube server from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 in less that 5mn without a glitch! Congrats to @Chocobozzz @Framasoft and all contributors! 👍🎉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

J'ai été interviewé par @anthonyg dans son podcast “Des Ondes Vocast” afin que je lui parle de @Castopod , la solution #opensource d'hébergement et de mesure d'audience de #podcasts que nous développons.
Un résumé est disponible ici :

“Castopod: an hosting service”
Open-source, and roadmap…
This article is the translation of an interview conducted by @anthonyg in the podcast “Des Ondes Vocast”.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Hey Martin, what's that?

Well, that's a 1 am (Danish time) new version of Podfriend!

So what's new?

Well, it supports the new Person tag!

Oh, that's amazing, how many podcasts uses that?

Well.... One.

( )

[ @benjaminbellamy ]

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Earning #bitcoin as a #podcast host? Podcasting 2.0 is enabling a decentralized, self-sustaining ecosystem for content creators. I show you how to set up your #RSS feed with @RaspiBlitz #LightningNetwork node and @sphinx_chat
@adam @dave @Castopod @419monk @brianoflondon @fribbledom #rC3

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

New version of Podfriend out.

Now with support for <podcast:location>

Here's an example:

I plan to do a bit more with the location tag, like showing a preview of the map before you click. But I'm pretty happy with how it works on both mobile and desktop right now.

Guess what feature is coming next to @Castopod… 🤫

Castopod supports the Location tag!
Thanks to the location tag you may now specify if your podcast is about a specific place.

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designed and built by and for podcasts lovers