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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

We are also grateful for the many poignant questions asked & points raised by #fediverse enthusiasts and advocates like @tfardet, @sl007, @petros, @naturzukunft, @pukkamustard, @Castopod, @m3me and many more. And last (but definitely not least) our thanks to everyone on Socialhub for putting together a timely and lively series of events on how to switch to (and properly understand) decentralized social networking technology.

Missed it? The recording will be up soon ->

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STARTING NOW, together with the -community @NGIZero is hosting a 2nd webinar on decentralized social networking for European & national administrations. ActivityPub-coauthor @cwebber will share development & future of decentralization (among which @spritelyproject ), after which we leave the floor to discuss how the European Commission, European Data Protection Supervisor & Joint Research Centre can join the fediverse.

This is one (extra) reason why every podcast hosting solution should use "?_from=" query string.
(Thank you @jamescridland for the investigation.)
Of course Castopod uses it and relies on opawg/podcast-rss-useragents for that. 😉

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Before you jump into the weekend, don't forget: this Monday April 26 10 am CEST we are excited to have a 2nd webinar on #ActivityPub for administrations!

Together w @cwebber & #fediverse enthusiasts ( creators of Matrix-bridge #Kazarma, podcast solution @Castopod & others) we explore how ActivityPub works and its exciting evolution ( & hopefully convince public institutions to join the fediverse :metamorph: )

Want to know more? Check out the agenda here -> and join us!

It's starting NOW: @NGIZero breaks down walls: decentralize social networking with ActivityPub

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@agates @WClayFerguson @benjaminbellamy The follower is an Actor, and its type is determined by the "type" property. It can be a Person, an Application, a Group, an Organization or a Service.

(Mastodon doesn't recognize any other type for now)

So, just throwing ideas here: for podcasting, we could use a new "type" (say PodcastListener for example) or add a new boolean property to the Actor of type "Person" to determine that (probably best).

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@WClayFerguson @agates @benjaminbellamy I think it can be done in parallel, on the one hand we could document how to interface podcasts the hacky way (though the only possible way for now) with the fediverse, and on the other hand we could explore interactions between podcast hosts and apps using the new extended specs.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Dear #fediverse and especially #foss and #activitypub tech enthusiasts amongst you ..

At #SocialHub we're preparing a great event in the form of two webinars and a workshop in April, for representatives of the European Commission.

The topics are #ActivityPub #Interoperability and #FediverseFutures within the EU.

Interest for the event came from EC itself, who via @NGIZero - funder of many great AP projects - approached SocialHub to organize.

You can help prepare and certainly join the Event!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Join the @NGIZero webinar next Monday at 10am Central European Summer Time! 🌞
Developers of #gnusocial (free social networking platform), #lemmy (self-hostable federating link aggregator), HubZilla (Self-organization tools with decentralized identity management) and @Castopod (federating #podcast hosting solution) 📼 🤖
@yassinedoghri and I will be there!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@lfdi Hi, Joost here from the (Dutch) NLnet foundation. Together w the ActivityPub-community and the open source funding program @NGIZero we're organizing webinars & a workshop introducing national/European administrations to #ActivityPub and the #fediverse (a.o. the EC's DG CNECT, DIGIT, EDPS). Would you care to join the discussion on April 19 or 26? We've also invited @RegierungBW & would also like to hear your voice/decision. More info here:

🇫🇷 Voici quelques 🎙️ hébergés par @Castopod 📼 et accessibles sur Mastodon 🐘. N'hésitez pas à les suivre !
🇺🇸 Here are some podcasts (French speaking) hosted by Castopod and available on Mastodon.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

He leído un par de minutos sobre @Castopod y ya me he enamorao.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@disruptionpr Le podcast comme réseau social avec ActivityPub en plus du RSS, un concept tout à fait disruptif de @Castopod @nitot tu devrais jeter un œil pour l'octet vert 👌

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