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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

POLL: When Castopod has a plugin system, which plugins would you like to have?

@10leej @james @rdelaage
If you choose Alby, they provide the XML snippet so that you just have to paste it in Castopod.
If you self-host your node (eg. with Umbrel), it’s basically the same but you have to write that XML yourself by following the spec:

“Containerize your PHP applications using Nginx Unit” 🐘🐳🤖 by @rdelaage
“A new solution, Nginx Unit, came out in 2017, and it can be compiled with support for some languages such as PHP or Python.”

@xtaran Thank you for the suggestion, that’s a good idea.

@xtaran It is ours but we do not use it. (Except to prevent squatting…)

We've just reached 400⭐ on Github and Castopod v1.2 is out 🚀

You can now host your podcast files on any S3 compatible storage!

+ download counts of episodes for better insight
+ health check route for monitoring

And bug fixes!

Grab your Castopod on

Benchmark: With two speakers (2 audio tracks), Mufidiwiwhi is faster than Whisper, to perform both transcription and diarisation!

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Podcast workshop 12 “Hosting and distribution” organised by @_BadGeek_ with @vodiofr, @PofMagicfingers (@podCloud) and myself (@Castopod) is available, subtitled in French and English by Mufidiwiwhi (Multi-file diarisation with Whisper).

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

L'atelier podcast n°12 “Hébergement et diffusion” proposé par @_BadGeek_ avec @vodiofr, @PofMagicfingers (@podCloud) et moi-même (@Castopod) est en ligne, sous-titré en Français et en Anglais par Mufidiwiwhi (Multi-file diarisation with Whisper).

Mufidiwiwhi is a program built on top of Whisper that will transcript audio files with reliable speaker diarization, by using one file per speaker. For free.

@carrabelloy Castopod will take care of everything: Once you have installed it, it will allow you to upload the file to the server where it's installed.
Note that a future version (quite soon…) will allow you to use S3 buckets.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

« Ad Aures fournit des outils de transcription, d’indexation, de monétisation et d’hébergement pour les podcasteurs. La solution opensource d’hébergement est @Castopod, qui a reçu le prix coup de cœur du jury lors de cette 40e édition du Satis ! »

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@koa Der Knowledge on Air Podcast ist jetzt auch im Fediverse, wir nutzen dafür @Castopod

Wir freuen uns auf Feedback, Ergänzungen, Themenvorschläge und Re-Toots.

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