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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

@kostiantyn радий бачити більше творців у цій мережі.
Хотів би спитати, чи не був би вам цікавий @Castopod? Це федерована софтина для подкастів, дописи звідти виглядають, як на картинці (з незаблюреним передпроглядом, то в мене технодурниці). Можна також слухати через різні застосунки.

сс: @tlenewspodcast

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Check out the new grid page on the Castopod Index website.
Now you can explore all podcasts in a sleek, easy-to-navigate grid format.
Discover your next favorite show today! 🎙️✨

Castopod just reached 600 ⭐️ on GitHub! 🥳
Thank you for your support. 🙏

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Hi Fediverse, we are NLnet. We support people and organizations who contribute to a free and open internet. We offer small and medium grants to projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data.
We're the lead of @NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet. (Made possible with financial support from the European Commission).
We've been stealthily present in the Fediverse behind the NGIZero handle but have now finally set up our NLnet instance. With special thanks to @nlnetlabs for their patience :).
Another way we've been involved is we've funded many fantastic ActivityPub related projects. See the image for a visual overview.

Happy to be here and looking forward to meet you in this pleasant space.


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Le sport, un patrimoine vivant et partagé en Pays de la Loire est une série de reportages qui met en valeur les équipements sportifs de la région par leurs utilisateur·ices et par leurs architectures remarquables. Un podcast de la Préfecture de la région Pays de la Loire et réalisée par les radios associatives de la FRAP.

Le sport, un patrimoine vivant et partagé en Pays de la Loire 🏊️⛹️

La Préfecture de la région Pays de la Loire, avec le soutien de la Région, lance un podcast sur le patrimoine sportif de notre territoire. Découvrez 37 édifices sportifs à travers des reportages audio, disponibles sur toutes les applications d'écoute.


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Last week, we've released Castopod v2.0.0-next.1, introducing the new Plugins Architecture.

Want to know what this means for podcasting?

Here's a deep dive into what this new direction entails 👇

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Someone asking about Castopod on Reddit:
Obviously we cannot answer that question 😉 so feel free to share your thoughts!

Someone asking about Castopod on Reddit:
Obviously we cannot answer that question 😉 so feel free to share your thoughts!

🔥 🚀🧩 Exciting times!

Castopod v2.0.0-next.1 is out, featuring a new Plugins Architecture!

This release kicks off an experimental phase for building plugins to extend Castopod and refining the architecture until a stable v2.
👉 Expect some breaking changes with the "next" tag!

Note that v1 remains supported with security and bug fixes as we focus on releasing v2.

Learn more about plugins:
Checkout release notes:

🌟 New Map Page on the Castopod Index!
🗺️ Discover podcasts discussing fascinating places globally, all on an interactive @openstreetmap map.
🔊 Turn up the volume and start exploring the world:

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

🔺 Have you heard of the “Podcast Pyramid”?

🎙️ When you start podcasting, it's not easy to know what's really important.

🌟 With Walid from the #podcast @projetslibres, we listed some tips during the @jdll convention (Free Software Days).

🎧️ Our discussion is fully available in the podcast @projetslibres_podcast, available on all listening platforms.

📺️ Video is also here: (in French with English subtitles)

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

Revivez la conférence "Créez, diffusez et interagissez. (Re)prenez le contrôle grâce au Podcast libre !" aux #jdll2024 🚀 🎧


🎙 @benjaminbellamy papa de @Castopod et @wawaxx Nouh, hôte de @projetslibres_podcast vous partagent leurs expériences, méthodologies et conseils pour la création de votre podcast avec des outils libres.

La conférence est aussi disponible en vidéo sur #Peertube et Youtube.

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted
Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

À la conf @Castopod aux #JDLL !

La conf est enregistrée en live et sera disponible sur @projetslibres_podcast !

Et c'est complètement intégré au #Fediverse 🧡


Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

En route pour deux jours de folie aux @jdll à Lyon !!! 🥳
⚠️ N'hésitez surtout pas à m'interpeller si vous m'y croisez ! 💬
Je serai demain dimanche à 11h en salle Conf 5 D2.020 pour parler de podcasts avec Walid Nouh de @projetslibres_podcast 🗣️
Nous parlerons bien sûr de son podcast @projetslibres et de @Castopod 🎙️🎧

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