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Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

today I came across the Irish Left Archive Podcast by @ila and already am really enjoying it! You can follow the podcast directly from the #fediverse at @ILAPodcast and get episodes you can listen to directly in your feed here!

I found it while taking a look through new podcasts posted on the fedi with @Castopod's new

🚀 There's a new french fiction podcast with chapters and images:
👉️ Follow @TalesAudio 🖼️ 🎧️
📱 Check it out now on your favorite Podcasting 2.0 app!
📺️ Here is a clip from @podcastaddict: 👇️

Castopod :podcasting2: boosted

🌟 New episode from “The Insert Credit Show” 🌟
👉️ Follow @show 👈️

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🚀 It's Monday, there are lots of new episodes!
🧵 Check out some of them in the following thread. 👇️

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